Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Goodbye Keidus.

..we buerried him under the shed last night.
so..this is my final goodbye..

We found our pet cat keidus dead, under the house
he had been missing a few days and we were getting worried.
we found him there, near his little nest of haw and birds feathers.
He must haev been sick, but he seemed fine.
He must have known he was going to die....
thats why he went thre ,to his sectet place to die...
Its a sad and unusual little story..
he hadnt been wingeing, wasnt complaining, he didnt seem to want to tell us anything.

Under the house, between the fence and a brick support... there was a section of ground lined with soft hay and feathers...
it was soft, comfortable and felt as though he must haev been layed there often, to make it so soft.

So, to my dear keedi weedi, this is my final goodbye.
you were only a pet and wernet with us all that long, but you have made an impact.
...perhaps we'll meet again in another life...

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