Friday, September 18, 2009

dermals. ^-^

somewhere pratical this time.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


not really much to say about today,
but its fathers day
just thought it post something anyways,
to get back into the blogging spirit?
cos i pretty much fail generally.

we all chipped in for something nice.
and my dad shaved his face at the table,
wouldn't you if you could?

i cut my tomato into a heart.
cos im a sap.
and the rocket wouldnt cut right without bruising.

useless post over.


in this moment,
i dont want anything.
i feel truely content in life.

i am in love,
and i know he feels it too.

although hes not here,
i know he cares,
and he'll be back for me.

lifes looking up,
its a wonderful feeling.

i only hope i can make hi feel the same.

sorry for sappyness.
but after being so used to feeling down,
its rather nice not to feel that way.
just bloggin in the moment.